
courtesy of night_h4wk on photobucket

Shocks of power
Flow out
Reaching towards the sky
Sailing streaks of white
Through the inky black.
Seconds pass
One – two – three.
Rumbling energy
Shakes loose
God’s wrath released
In a cacophony of vibrating
Face upturned,
Embrace the darkness
As angels tears pour out
From the heavens
To wash away
The heartache,
The pain.
Darkness recedes,
Fading into light.
Bringing forth
an arching curve
Of purples and blues
Greens and pinks
Highlighted in yellow.
A promise
Of beauty to come.

Storms have always fascinated me.  The before, during and after.  There’s a beauty in the way it begins, even as it’s devastating and scary.  The way the lightening flicks across the sky in some random pattern only familiar to whichever higher power you believe in.  Then the thunder starts…rumbling, echoing through houses, shaking glass with it’s power.  But then the rain starts and washes away, quite literally, the dirt that life has managed to kick up.

And then there’s the rainbow.  Fascinating, prismic beauty.  You know…a friend of mine told me that her mother (who has long since passed away) always told her that a rainbow was a sign that she should follow whatever was pressing on her heart at the time.  If you’re a religeous person, or you know the story of Noah and the arc, you know that the rainbow was a promise to him from God.  Whichever way you believe, I’ve always found the rainbow to be a promise of renewal.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my little poem.  Please feel free to share your interpretations of storms, rainbows…or even what my poem made you think of.  I enjoy interplay, so don’t be shy…  I promise, I won’t bite…well, unless you ask nicely.  LOL!

25 thoughts on “Renewal

  1. Phil Lanoue says:

    Here along the shore area I have purposely gone to look at and possibly photograph the ocean when a large storm is off shore (and hopefully not right on top of us). The ocean is incredible during these periods. I no longer live where snow blizzards are possible, but we do have some amazing thunderstorms with lightning.


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Yes, we sure do… The storms are beautiful even in their danger. And there is something eerily peaceful about the calm before the big ones that is so seductively deceptive. I sometimes wonder if that isn’t why idiots get a little too close…


      • Phil Lanoue says:

        I know a professional storm chaser who has been doing it for many years. He says that in areas where a tornado may be approaching huge crowds now show up, leaving their cars and clogging the escape routes presumably all in hopes of getting video for you tube.
        People even bring out their kids and practically turn it into a picnic.


  2. Mae Clair says:

    LOVED this post, Kitt. I’ve been attracted to storms on an intrinsic level since I was a kid. My father ‘introduced’ me to them when I was in grade school. We used to sit on the front porch and watch them roll in together.

    These days, I respect their ferocity (have been trapped in quite a few both on land AND on the water) but I still love the raw power and the super-charged atompshere prior to their volatile eruption. I’ve written so many stories with storms as a central theme I’ve lost track!

    And, yes, for me, when I see a rainbow I always remember God’s promise to Noah, which is just beautiful


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      I bet that although the storms were fascinating, that time with your dad was priceless. I would love to hear about your storm experiences one day…especially on the water.
      And yes, that promise is amazing.


      • Mae Clair says:

        One of my earlier blog posts was about watching storms with my dad when I was a kid. I’ll have to look it up.

        And storms on the water? Yeah, I’ve got tales! I’ll definitely have to do some posts about those one of these days. I spent about 15 years of my life on freshwater and salt water boats and some of those experiences were plain scary!


  3. L.j. Kentowski says:

    Beautiful poem Kitt. I love storms. I remember running across the street with neighborhood friends in them, back and forth we would run, laughing the whole time. We never really grasped how dangerous these storms were until we were older and learned more. I think that can be applied to life in general, can it not?


  4. aliciacoleman says:

    Beautiful poem! I have always loved storms. When I was little, my grandmother would have us kids lay down. She said God was talking. We needed to listen. Since that time, I’ve always either sat at the window or lay down to listen to the rain ping against the windows, to hear God talk and watch all the wonder patterns of lightning.

    Great post. Wonderful imagery!


  5. Emma says:

    Lovely poem and it definitely speaks to me. I’ve always loved rain, storms, thunder and lightning. For some reason these elements bring me back to the old days, a time before electricity and the modern world. There’s something mystical about such weather.


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