Love, Loss and Peace

I know I’ve been unusually silent lately, but I’ve been working on two big projects. Hopefully I’ll be able to share details with you guys in a week or two. Believe me when I say that I’ve missed you guys and I can’t wait to get back to blogging with you guys.

In the meantime, last night a close friend of mine shared with me that her favorite uncle is on his death bed. As you all know, hubby’s favorite uncle just passed away recently. Icing on the cake came today when I got an email notifying me that one of my very dear friends passed away today. As she and her daughter were the first to make me feel welcome at my church, I’m deeply saddened.

So for those of you who have lost someone, and those of you struggling with upcoming loss (or even illness), I’d like to share a song that always finds a way to touch my soul. I learned this song back in high school when I sang it for the first time. Since then, it’s been a stabilizing force for me. I love the way this young lady sings this song.

21 thoughts on “Love, Loss and Peace

  1. crankycaregiver says:

    So sorry about all your bad news. This was a very depressing day for me; somehow memories of my deceased sister keep hammering at my heart; I can’t tell you how soothing this video was and how much it lifted my spirits. I can’t thank you enough…I think my sister guided me your way!


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      ::Hugs:: I believe that’s often how God’s love works. I’m glad it helped to lift you up, because I know exactly what you mean. There are times where thoughts of my brother hit me like a ton of bricks….then something happens to ease my heart a little. 🙂


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