Self Discovery


Soft touch
glide on scented
The reverent kiss
of finger tips
of breast
and hip.
Warm response,
arched back,
hardened buds,
heated suction
or cruel bite…
Hand delves down,
center of my universe…
Wet welcome
permeates the air.
Hips raise,
meet seeking touch…
Beg to be filled.
Quick thrust,
strong and sure.
and again.
Light sheen glistens
Body uncontrolled.
Friction heats
tiny bud
Red lips
raised in supplication.
“Oh, God!”

This is my 200th post! I wanted to do something different to celebrate my little landmark when it hit me! Timing is everything. Coincidences happen for a reason. I find it kind of hot that my 200th post happens to fall on National Masturbation Month. Inspired by August McLaughlin’s Girl Boner post on Self Love in relation to Body Image, I decided to follow her example.

It’s also been a while since I’ve shared poetry…especially erotic poetry, so I’ve been overdue. I hope you appreciate my poem in celebration of the joys of self love. The body is a temple that deserves celebration. What things about May make you want to celebrate?

Hope you guys also enjoy the sexy, hot song I found to go with our Sexy Study of Sensual Self.

39 thoughts on “Self Discovery

  1. Professor Taboo says:

    Mmm, Kitt. What a nice way to start my Sunday morning! Thank you! And if I may, my small contribution to this month’s festivities and Self Love via Body Image…

    This is session one out of seven! Check them all out. Mmmmm.


  2. August McLaughlin says:

    Um… Girl Boner! 🙂 Congrats on your 200th post, Kitt! That’s a huge accomplishment. I’m touched (pun!) and honored by the shout out, and your ongoing, awesome support. Lotsa love!


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