There’s a Magic in Believing…

As we head into the holiday season, what could be more appropriate? A little reminder about the magic of believing… Why is it that as we grow up we stop believing in magic and miracles? Me? I choose to take a page out of Josh Groban’s Believe from Polar Express. What about you? What makes the holiday season magical for you?

22 thoughts on “There’s a Magic in Believing…

    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Yes’m. I saw the new Little Drummer Boy song. Loved it, too. I also enjoy all the albums you listed above, well, except the Spanish Medley…because I’ve not heard it yet. Can’t wait to check it out!


  1. Cowboys and Crossbones says:

    I believe in magic, miracles AND Santa! The holiday season is special because it’s when I remember all of the fun of times past, as well as create my own memories now. The lights, the cocktails, the parties, the gift giving, cheesy Lifetime movie watching….don’t get me going!


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