Lost Christmas? This May Help Find It…

Ever feel like you’ve lost the spirit of Christmas? I have. As joyful as the holidays can be for most, circumstance, loneliness and various other things can make it difficult to see past your own pain to the beauty and joy of the season.

There’s something so pure and sweet about this performance of “Where Are You Christmas?” Maybe it’s the fact that this young girl hasn’t been overly coached and trained and that the music is allowed to speak for itself, but it definitely reminds me that the spirit of Christmas is found in allowing love to fill your heart.

So if you see someone struggling this holiday season, take a moment. Do something kind for no other reason than it may help someone else feel better. Spread the Christmas cheer… You’d be amazed at the difference a smile can make to a stranger. Or the generosity of letting someone through in the midst of the holiday traffic. And if someone does something fantastic for you, pay it forward! The most valuable holiday gifts rarely have anything to do with money, but with the thoughtful kindness with which the gifts are bestowed.

Has someone done something kind to you recently? Are you one of those folks struggling this holiday season? Good or bad, share! You may be spreading holiday cheer…or maybe you need some. Regardless of which side you fall on, I’d love to be there for you.

15 thoughts on “Lost Christmas? This May Help Find It…

  1. Gloria Richard Author says:

    Beautiful, emotive reminder, Kitt.

    This year I feel as if I have switches attached to my spine.

    Switch One: Focus, focus, focus on The Golden Heart. I committed to have my manuscript ready for entry this year. There were mornings when I sat down at my laptop and thought, “Who am I kidding? This is impossible.” I will be eternally thankful for the online community of writing buddies who believed I could do it. So many smart and savvy people thought it was possible. How could I fail them? Fail myself? I’m nearly there now, and it’s a given. My manuscript will be ready.

    Switch Two: Limited, but precious time-outs to decorate the house for Christmas. Even more precious? Our night out with steps and grands for a Christmas show.

    Switch Three: My basket of Christmas movies awaits me. I’m blessed that the deadline for The Golden Heart is exactly twelve days before Christmas. I can sing that carol and won’t have time to overthink and overspend this year.

    Even with all that’s going on, I feel blessed that God gave me a generous heart and enough spare change to help others. Besides, I’m glued to my keyboard. I can’t waste money on things I don’t need, so I have more to give to those without.


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      First, I’m so proud of you for making your Golden Heart deadline. I know how hard you’ve been slaving away on that project. My fingers are crossed for your successful entry.

      Second, I’m glad you’re still taking mini time-outs to enjoy the holiday with loved ones.

      Third, your love of holiday movies is one I share. Maybe you’ll be kind enough to tell us what movies you’ll be watching at the twelve day count down.

      By the way, I love your generous heart.


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