Winter Warm Up

All over my Facebook this morning where freezing cold pictures of snow covered yards, cars, lawn furniture…and even some pets and children frolicking in the white stuff. Brrrr! Do you know the last time I actually enjoyed winter weather?

Winter in Germany

Winter in Germany

Yeah, that’s me with my hands in the air. Many, MANY moons ago. In another country. I’m not without understanding of how winter works… I grew up in Chicago, for goodness sake. I’ve dealt with the wind coming off Lake Michigan. And I moved to Southwest Florida for a reason… So imagine my surprise when I prepared to take my beautiful dogs out for their morning constitutional only to find the temperature was in the 40’s. Yes, a mad scramble ensued to find things like fuzzy socks and sweatshirts. It’s nearly 2 pm here. How warm did it actually get?

So it's not as cold as where you are...don't judge me. I freeze easily.

So it’s not as cold as where you are…don’t judge me. I freeze easily.

To be clear, I left Chicago more than 10 years ago after 2 blizzards in a row. These days I tend to get a bit whiny and cranky when I’m cold. Unfortunately, today, I can’t even shove my ice cube feet under my hubby’s legs to warm them up (and shock his system) because he’s away at training.

So, since most of us agree that cold weather is no fun once you grow up (granted the degrees of cold we all handle is different), I thought I’d go to my happy places and bring you along…

Doesn’t that just call sun and surf to mind? It just so happens that one of my dear friends married a reggae singer named Jah Niceness (well, that’s his stage name) from Jamaica. So I actually know him personally. He’s one of the sweetest, mild mannered guys I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.

This is him singing at another friend's going away party.

This is him singing at another friend’s going away party.

What else makes me think warmer climates? For the smart alecks that may have thought “how about ice cream?” or “what about a dip in the gulf or a pool?” You’re not funny…. But maybe pictures of those things may warm me…

Like snorkeling in the Bahamas...

Like snorkeling in the Bahamas…

Yeah, that water was nice and warm….

Eh… Who am I kidding? What I really need to do is get my juices going! In my universe we all know that’s an open ended prospect that can lead to a dance floor just as easily as a bedroom. 😉 Or it can mean writing all the things that get everyone else all warmed up…. Hmmm… Maybe it can mean all three. Bah! Who am I kidding? Of course it can!

So, when your weather outside is frightful…what do you do to feel warm? Feel free to be as clean or as dirty as you please…LOL!

44 thoughts on “Winter Warm Up

  1. David N. Walker says:

    Here lately, the heating pad I use several times a day on my recently operated shoulder is enough to keep me warm. Cold didn’t use to bother me, but my age and prescription for Warfarin have changed that. Brrr.


  2. Katie says:

    You know what the high is going to be on Monday? -8!

    As for staying warm, I’m a huge hot chocolate fan even if my waistline is not. I’ve never been one to shy away from the huge puffy coat, either.


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Smart lady… I use hot chocolate as my excuse to utilize an overabundance of smaller sized marshmallows.

      As for the -8…I’m just glad I’m not there to enjoy THAT particular thrill. I’d need to strap on a generator and plug in an electric blanket under my coat before I went everywhere…Not to mention the 10 pairs of socks I’d need to put on before foraying away from the home.


  3. jansenschmidt says:

    Soft sweaters, cashmere socks, fuzzy scarf (if I’m outside) . . . big old fleece robe, brandy/whiskey, hot cocoa (if I’m inside) . . . oh I could go on and on. But, only for a day or two, then it’s back to warmer temperatures. I like snow, but only if I don’t have to go out in it – unless I’m skiing. Basically I’m a 3 seasons kind of girl. It gets below 50 and I’m freezing.

    I was in Florida once in October – Disney World to be exact – and I brought summer clothes. It was in the 60’s! Cold I tell you. Way too cold. I had to wear the same pair of long pants (the only pair I’d brought) every day and I had to buy a hoodie. I’ll not make that mistake again. I’d rather visit in August when it’s 100 degrees and 100 percent humidity. Now you’re talking.

    Stay warm my friend. Walk fast then get back in and cozy up under a blanket with a good book.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Okay, I confess…there’s one day a year when I miss snow…Christmas eve night to Christmas morning. But only if it’s completely melted and 80 degrees by the time I need to leave the house. 😉

      Yeah, people don’t realize that Florida can have it’s cold snap, too….and when it hits here, all rational thought among the locals flies out the window.


  4. V says:

    Hot whiskey with some lemon, a dab of honey and a cinnamon stick for me, always warms me right to my toes. Long, piping hot showers and then straight into some fluffy pajamas and fluffy socks. If the OH is around he has to sit on my feet too.

    We’re not too cold here in Ireland at the mo, considering it’s January, but we have a storm of wind and rain brewing outside so it’s into the bed with me to watch some Sherlock, weekend plans all cancelled!


  5. ramblingsfromamum says:

    We are in Summer, though hard to believe in Melbourne today 17C and the heater is on! Other States in the country have 35C. Keeping warm…rugged up in my fluffy dressing gown (sounds attractive doesn’t it) Ugg boots, covered with a blanket. Or..under the bed covers, or in front of an open fire with a hot drink or a scotch cuddling up to Mr. S ..but we don’t have an open fire place.. so just the cuddling and scotch is fine by me. Stay warm! xx


  6. Mae Clair says:

    Not that I’m unsympathetic with your 54 degrees *cough, cough* but it’s 10 here right now and we’re about to break a low temperature of 3 degrees set in 1918! Hello? I didn’t sign up for this!!!

    Fortunately, as I’m typing away in my den, I have a snug toasty fire (okay, so it’s one of those electric fireplaces but the ambiance is the same and it has a blower for heat) blazing away. Hubby is talking about moving to your state again but he does this every winter. It’s cold enough that I’ve told him, “Lead and I will follow!” 🙂


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Heck it’s already back to the 40’s & I’ve had to pull some plants indoors to protect from frost. Hmmm…are you sure your Monday post didn’t anger the Frost Giants & this is their revenge?

      A toasty fire sounds awesome, by the way…


  7. Chaz DeSimone says:

    I’m in Southern California. Anything below 75 is freezing — especially since I’m a nudist. 100 degrees in the summer is just about right (although I leave the a/c on for the cats). Happy New Year…although middle of summer is happier because it’s warmer.


  8. Chaz DeSimone says:

    Kitt, I can’t find your email so I’ll just post this to you & all your readers. Thanks for stopping by As promised, I am here on your blog. Great writing and nice design. I see you’re a book author so I highly recommend “The Frugal Book Promotor” by Carolyn Howard Johnson on amazon. Be sure to get the 2nd Ed. It has the better cover design (by Yours Truly). I am not biased, however. It’s just the best guide you’ll ever have for promoting your books, whether self published or by a major publisher, paper or electronic. Keep me posted.


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Typos happen to the best of us, LOL. I’ll make sure to check it out! BTW, my email should be listed on my about page. It’s my name at gmail. I try to keep it simple. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping and sharing!


  9. Phil says:

    OMG! 40’s and 50’s are not cold! We need to get some blood in you! 🙂

    Earlier tonight I walked 40 blocks after meeting a few friends for happy hour and it was about 20 out. It’s now 9 degrees and that is cold. But I love it! I prefer the cold weather over sweaty humid swamp ass summer. My family lives in Ocala and they are also complaining. It’s too funny.


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Dude, I didn’t make fun of you when ya’ll got that “Super Storm” that didn’t even landfall as a Cat 1. Why? Because I knew you guys weren’t equipped to handle that sort of thing. Be nice.


  10. anna@herding cats & burning soup says:

    LOL my mom is in FL and was freezing the other day. I’m in NC and we weren’t too far ahead of her. It was around 18 here tonight I think. Holy. Cold. Lord help me if we get into the single digits.

    Staying warm here? I’m a blanket junkie. There are 4 on my bed right now. And sometimes more. I like layers. lol And a whole bunch of pillows. Herd babies will snuggle down. A mug of Nutella hot chocolate. It gets nice and toasty. Fuzzy socks are good too.


  11. brickhousechick says:

    As I read this it is 11:29 am on this Saturday and I am under the covers refusing to venture out onto the frigid air of the house. If I had a bed pan I’d be even happier (although pee is warm…hmmm). 🙂 Great song, I want to get my frozen body to Puerto Rico ASAP.


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