Friends are the Sweetest Thing EVER!

I’m fortunate to be surrounded both in real life and online by an amazing group of friends. We laugh together, support one another, and cheer each other on. In fact, my awesome buddy, Ande Lyons, of Bring Back Desire, was kind enough make me this!

Love Yourself

This was the quote August McLaughlin featured on her blog, announcing the winners from her Beauty of a Woman (Girl Boner edition) Blogfest! What’s even cooler? I’m one of those winners! I will be reading my post, then hanging out for a little bit to chat on the one and only GirlBoner radio! Yes, I’ll share more when the time comes, but guys…seriously. If you haven’t checked her show out yet, you need to do it NOW! You won’t regret it, I promise!

As if this isn’t already an abundance of friendship and support, there’s more! My dear friend, Stephanie, invited me to do a guest post and GIVEAWAY on her blog!

Fangs Wands & Fairy Dust

We actually met at Authors After Dark in Savannah (Steph, how did we not wind up taking a pic together then???). We sat together during the Vampire Ball and we started chatting. Afterward, we became friends on Facebook and Twitter and I followed her blog, so when she found out she’d be headed to my neck of the woods for a little while she reached out and asked if I’d like to meet her for coffee or wine.

COFFEE? WINE? I was IN! Well, truthfully, it was Steph, so she could’ve mentioned a walk on the beach and I’d have still been good to go. She’s pretty awesome.

She’d welcomed me to write a guest post for her blog, which thrilled me to death. I love her blog! But I wanted to do something special. Something unique for my friend. So, since my tastes vary and I’ll write whatever comes to mind anyway, I asked her if there was something specific she would like me to cover. The task she gave me proved to be not only fun, but right up my alley!

Four One Night WEBSITE USE

Stop by, show her some love (and me some support)…because, like I said….she’s awesome and I’m giving something away! Plus, we’re talking BDSM terms, fantasies and Four One Night!

And because it wouldn’t be The Sweetest Thing without a clip from one of my favorite movies of the same title…(And it’s a shout out to my favorite “kinkery” book club and their love of cock rings)…here’s a little something/something.

And my shout out to all my gal pals and our crazy ass sense of humor? (Because my BFF and I would totally do something like this.)

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, despite hubby’s accident yesterday (he was unharmed), it’s been a great week for me. Are you celebrating anything you want to share with the class? 😉

25 thoughts on “Friends are the Sweetest Thing EVER!

  1. The Regular Guy NYC says:

    Actually, I think the Sweetest Thing is a hilarious movie! Yes, good friends are hard to come by and I value mine quite highly!

    Oh, not celebrating anything big, just my birthday on Monday.


  2. Michelle says:

    Hi Kitt and congratulations on the Girl Boner win. I like August’s blog, because she’s not afraid to tackle any subject.

    After a tough 2013, I am looking forward to a Girls’ Weekend in NYC next week. All of us are in our mid-forties and have done the “tourist trip” of NYC, so we’ll be looking for off-the-beaten-path activities, eateries, and stuff. I cannot wait!


  3. Professor Taboo says:

    It is always a great moment, new age even(?), when sexual liberation is talked about, embraced, and then pursued….all, of course, ethically! Thank you for your part Kitt!

    Celebrating anything? Yes, indeed. A couple of events/moments:
    Those “teaching moments” in classrooms, hallways, after-school, as I blogged in my latest post. And then a ‘certain someone’ encounter with a long-time female friend that caught me totally off guard! Off guard in a very good way.

    Super stuff Kitt! As always, get it/put it out there! 😉


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Those “teaching moments” are so important in proper development of young people…and as a community we should all take part when and where we can. The world is lucky to have someone like you out there. 🙂


  4. kindredspirit23 says:

    I need to thank you very much. You inspired me to try my hand (no pun intended) at erotic writing. I have done two stories (about 5 pages each) and had a couple of people read them. They loved them! If you would be interested in looking at one, let me know, I will email. I really enjoyed “Four One Night”!


  5. patriciasands says:

    Kitt, I’m way behind in the congrats department but I was so thrilled to see your win in the BOAW on August’s blog. Of course, I was in the *more conservative* category … for lack of a better description! I love all you livin’ out loud babes! One day we too will have a libation of one kind or another down here in south FL! In the meantime, you are so right … friendship rocks!


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