Sensual Sweet Spots

Crawl into her mind

Recently I wrote an article for the Sexual Wellness News site called The Orgasmic Body: Sexual Anatomy Basics. (Psst! I’d really appreciate if you’d head over, check it out, and maybe give it some love.) As often happens with me, the article set my mind wandering…. I mean, how could it not? We’re basically talking erogenous zones. Is there a better subject suited to my passions?

The thing is, although the article delves into the physiological, the biggest sex organ, though mentioned, was pretty much glossed over. Did you catch it? It was mentioned in the first paragraph. (I’m not going to mention it here, because I’d love for you to read the article, then come back and tell me which referral I’m flirting around.)

In that article we discussed the basics. The obvious basic. What we didn’t discuss were those sexy little nooks and crannies that we discover on ourselves and our lovers with careful and fun loving exploration. For example, did you know that the shoulder blade can be an erogenous zone? Yeah, neither did my virgin self until my boyfriend (now my husband) decided to plant his first kiss….a soft pressure of lips left on my right shoulder blade. I felt that one delicate, sensual touch go from my back to my nipples, and head further south. And all he did was lay his lips there until I felt the irresistible urge to turn around, wrap my fingers around the nape of his neck and pull his face down to mine for a kiss burned up as quickly as a wildfire.

Pulse points are erogenous zones that often get neglected once a couple is in a steady or long term relationship. The inside of the wrist, the sweet spot on the neck. Or spots like the inside of the elbow or back of the knees. And here’s the thing, ladies…. We’re not the only ones that go a little melty when those hyper sensitive spots get special attention. Men have sweet spots, too!

Have you ever wondered why it is that your man goes a little wild when, in the throes of passion, you forget yourself enough to bite down on their trapezius muscle? Or maybe it’s when you decide to rain down licks and kisses on the small of their back. Are you one who gives the cock plenty of play and appreciation, but maybe not so much his balls?

And what about the “taint” area? Lots of sensitivity there for both men and women. In fact, if you’re playing in the shower, and you’re feeling daring, have you rimmed your lover’s ass hole? Or allowed attention to yours? To be clear, I only mention shower because many find that area to be unsanitary, so it’s best to be either prepared or someplace where it’s being/has been cleaned. For men, that area can be mind blowing if they’re comfortable and/or willing to relax and let their partner explore. In fact, when properly prepared, it can be a pretty incredible experience for women, too. (Hasn’t anyone wondered why MFM ménages are all the rage these days? Because there are plenty of women who fantasize…)

There are so many awesome, incredible spots that we need to take the time to explore! With an open mind, you’d be amazed at what your partner might share with you, and how it can enhance your sex life. As one who is always learning, I’d love to throw this question to you guys…. What unexpected erogenous zones have you discovered? Was it a discovery on your partner'(s) body or yours? Yes, there’s a strong chance I will be taking your answers and exploring to see if it’s a spot that works for me, too.

As always, remember that just because a sweet spot works for one person doesn’t mean it works for everyone. BTW, ya’ll also know how much I love Aloe Cadabra. Have you seen their latest post on unusual uses people have found for their lube? I definitely appreciate their traditional uses, too, but I thought you guys might get a kick…because I was the one who used it to treat an insect sting on my dog. Hey, don’t laugh. It worked!

4 thoughts on “Sensual Sweet Spots

  1. Kristy K. James...Where Romance and Fantasy Collide says:

    Was the part you were referring to “…there is far more to sexual anatomy…?” Because if you’re talking about the brain, I agree. For me, sex would need to start long before the clothes come off.

    And for guys who don’t realize this, when you do something you know your lady needs or likes – for instance, moving the piece of furniture she’s not strong enough to move herself – it racks up a lot of bedroom points. Not only are you being sweet, but she gets to watch those muscle flex, which gets her thinking about later. So technically, it’s a win all the way around for you. 😀


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      That’s exactly the spot I mean. For me, if the brain isn’t also engaged, it may be fun for a short period of time, but then it gets boring. And you’re right, helpful men are also very sexy. 🙂


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