How’d You Find Me?

Ever take a moment to look into your Blog Stats? Usually the only ones I pay attention to are the milestones like the 300th post, the anniversaries, etc. After a look at mine, I came to one conclusion. If I were to go by mine I’d be concerned about my deviant one tracked mind. Although I like to think that my posts are pretty diverse and eclectic, it became very clear based on my results that sex sells….

Sexy Imagination

When I first started blogging The Foraging Photographer created a poem post using the search stats that led people to her page. I thought it was pretty neat, but hadn’t really been around long enough to have anything interesting to share.

Then my buddy Phil from The Regular Guy NYC blog did a hilarious post on what his Spam Box means to him. When I told him that I usually delete my spam box immediately once I filter out the non-spam posts that might have gotten caught in the net, he told me I was missing a golden opportunity. Eh, he may be right…but he has no idea what search words lead people to my blog…LOL!

Having said that, I thought I’d share some of the searches that have led folks to me since I opened this blog last year in August:

Household sex toys -310 (lots of different variations of the words…and if you add gender specific to men/women, add another 20)

School Sexy – 136 times (Is it just me or does this imply that either schools are sexy or that folks are into sexy school aged kids? I’m hoping maybe it was the whole “catholic schoolgirl uniform” thing and not an interest in the young ‘uns.)

Sexy Older Men – 68 times (Self explanatory…really.)

Attitude Reflects Leadership – 59 times (One of the best quotes from Remember The Titans.)

Erotic Shaving – 19 times (Hey, this can be a lot of fun. Somehow I think this may be tied to my post about “grooming”)

The 5 Strangest ones?

zoophilia -Sex with animals? Seriously? Wow. I don’t even know what this has to do with my blog or what post it may have led them to.

I wish I was a young beautiful sexy Vulcan female with a sexy Vulcan English accent -I didn’t realize Vulcans had English accents, but hey, it’s all good.

woman said shave me bald for sex –I’m completely unsure about the context on this one. Was the woman asking to be shaved bald? If so, did she mean down below? (gosh, I hope so.) Or was she telling her guy the only way she’d have sex with him was if he got shaved bald? If so, which part of the anatomy was she talking about? Inquiring minds wanna know!

sexy talk with my aunty -This is just plain creepy.

can you suck nipples with braces -Although I suspect I know what this person means, I am choosing to misunderstand and wonder why this person’s nipples have braces. 😉

So which blog posts do these connect to? Here are the top 5.

Common Household Items Making Playtime FUN! (893 views)

Need Some Old School Sexy? (399 views) -Oddly enough, this has nothing to do with schools.

Sexy Older Men? Yes, Please! (325 views)

“Attitude Reflects Leadership” And Other Life Lessons (262 views)

Sexy Men Of HGTV (179 views)

The honorable mention goes to one of my personal favorite posts… Awkward Emergencies And Other Hilarious Moments with 155 views.

Having said that, I figured I’m in a “Sharing the love” kind of mood. In the comments, feel free to leave a link to the most popular post to your blog…and I’d really enjoy hearing about some of the searches that have lead to you (I don’t care if it’s your most unusual or most popular).

So have at it! Share what’s drawn people to you.

42 thoughts on “How’d You Find Me?

  1. Laura Hilger says:

    Awesome, funny, and scary all at the same time-your search terms are way more interesting and entertaining than mine!


  2. Experienced Tutors says:

    Great post. I got a good response when I put B.D.S.M. in. However, I get most views when I pass on awards. Perhaps bloggers like to see if they have been included! Interestingly, not many pass them on.


  3. Ande Lyons (@AndeLyons) says:

    What a terrific idea for a post Kitt! LOL on the household sex toys and BDSM!

    Bedtime stories for adults is the search that gets most peeps to BBD – woo hoo!

    The top post that continues to bring the most folks to Bring Back Desire is one in which YOU added value with a terrific quote I used from a comment you left – and surprise, surprise – a topic that brings many peeps to The Inner Wildkat: BDSM!

    You are rocking it with this blog – not even a year yet – you’re amazing!!




  4. Professor Taboo says:

    A lovely idea Kitt. Thank you for “sharing the love”! My most popular post as of today, June 3, 2013…hands down, no contest with 8,118 views: Sexual & Gender Ambiguity: My Once Gross Ignorance…

    Sexual & Gender Ambiguity: My Once Gross Ignorance

    This close family friend of ours completely overhauled & turned upside down forever my outlook on the entire human race, bigotry, & hate-crimes. It hasn’t been an a legitimate argument for years now, yet hate & bigotry continue.

    Nevertheless, thanks Kitt for this opportunity & your “love”. 🙂


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Wow. As always, I found your arguments compelling. That you even have to “argue” such simple things as human kindness and acceptance at all is very sad. Regardless, your post was quite educational & I hope people who read it learn something along the way that opens their eyes.


      • Professor Taboo says:

        Many thanks Kitt. However, I hope the “compelling-ness” for readers comes as a result of how intimate & close this INCREDIBLE woman/man (like that ultimately must be decided!?)…androgynous in her/his soul(?)…was for my (standard/normal) Mom’s mental & emotional health, AND saving my sister so many times from horrible crime-scenes, perhaps death! And our society treats HER/HIM (our close inter-sexed friend) as sub-human!? Forget the growing scientific & medical data & results! That is simply MORE icing on the cake!

        See how “passionate” I get about it? LOL 😉


  5. filbio says:

    Thanks for the shout out Kitt! Glad you liked my Spam post!

    I can totally believe that anything to do with sex and erotica leads people to your blog. Kinda fits ya like a velour glove!


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      I probably could, at that. Hmmm…maybe I’ll try it sometime (not that I need much help in the erotic poetry department, LOL)! Please come back and share a link to your marvelous photography! I’d love people to see why I enjoy your blog so much!


  6. oliviaobryon says:

    So funny! I’m fascinated by what terms lead to my blog too. Yours are much more naughty, mine are usually author’s names I’ve written about or other benign things… Although somehow foot fetishes leads back to my blog, so strange, lol.


  7. ramblingsfromamum says:

    Lol you are crazy in a nice way that is. 🙂 People drawing to me – prose, poetry mainly and short stories. Have done a spam mock post or 2, back in ma’ day 😉 the most was 43 hits, for a VERY short story, but I think that was due to entering the Friday Fictioneers and the other participants want to see what I wrote. Some have followed, others I never see. x


  8. Debra Kristi says:

    I’ve seen a few bloggers do that – work their spam or search terms. Ever since I introduced Immortal Monday mine haven’t been that interesting. My leading search term is still on the old blog since the new location is still struggling to find its way. Voldemort, or some version there of comes in at number one, at a total of (are you ready for this?) 21,113 searches. Crazy, I know. I found you through fellow bloggers and not a search.


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      LOL! Yeah…I’m pretty sure that question led the person straight to my Awkward Emergencies post. It’s all about strange stuff I’d seen walking into the ER back when I worked in one. 🙂


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