Back From The Abyss

As many of you know, I blog daily. It’s become a part of my routine. I find that blogging helps to open my mind to different thoughts and ideas along with helping to sharpen my writing abilities. The fact that I’ve met some awesome people along the way has been this awesome bonus. I’ve loved the blogging community I’ve found here on WordPress, because that’s exactly what it is! A community. It’s a place where you can pretty much say anything and people will be there to share their experiences, their knowledge…give feedback. I’ve come to depend on it.

So on Tuesday, I was calmly going along my merry way…creating a post about something admirable that a celebrity did (It’s the post right before this one). The thing is…when I hit Publish, something strange happened! I received this warning telling me to check my dashboard because my blog had been suspended…either because they suspected that yours truly was a Spam-bot (Austin–I promise, I’m not…nor am I intending to start a robot apocalypse!) trying to peddle all sorts of stuff or I’d been being a naughty girl and got TOS’ed. Needless to say…I kind of freaked.

So I called my best friend and he suggested we have  a Kiki! What’s a Kiki? I’m so glad you asked!

Hahahaha! Just kidding. Actually, I find the song to be quite fun…I know…I’m disturbed. Not exactly news for all of you…LOL.

I did freak a bit…because I’d put a lot of work into my blog and I didn’t want to lose it. I got in touch with WordPress immediately. I didn’t get an answer for a while….not even a form letter to say they’d received my concern/complaint. You guys were great, though. Some of you contacted me on Twitter, others by email..just to make sure everything was okay. It felt nice to know that people noticed because though we comment on each other’s blogs…we have never “really” met. The thought of losing all my work…or having to start over with my blog was very disheartening, but you guys reassured me to hang in there. For that I dedicate this one to you guys…

Then, today…I got the email. It had all been one HUGE mistake…and not by me. Apparently I’d hit WordPress’s spam protection. After carefully looking over my blog they realized that I was not a robot…or a zombie (thank you Rob…now you and zombies are eternally intertwined in my warped mind).

In the meantime…I’m back in the driver seat…. And pretty soon I’ll be back in the swing of thinks…kinda like…

Syndey, I’m so glad you messaged me and told me that it took them 4 days to get your blog reactivated. You calmed my nerves and let me just try to relax. (I don’t do hurry up and wait very well)

Now, I’m filled with GLEE…haha…and able to laugh about the whole thing. In the meantime, I’m feeling a bit goofy… (No, shit…right?)


40 thoughts on “Back From The Abyss

    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Oh, I pretty much was. I can joke about it now that it’s in my rear view…but when it happened I almost cried. I was terribly upset. Hubby would check on me every so often to see if I’d received any news regarding the situation.


  1. moviewriternyu says:

    I’m glad you’re back. Was beginning to worry. The Robots are very tricky, and while you were passing all the tests I put out there, you simply could’ve been a more advanced machine. Welcome back! Austin


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      You probably wouldn’t have lost me permanently. I’d have created a new blog, but would have hated to do so. I love this log…and I’ve put a lot of thought and effort into my posts. 🙂 Fortunately they rescued me once they realized the mistake. 🙂


  2. ramblingsfromamum says:

    Welcome home 🙂 Question – we cannot actually save our blog can we (unless of course we copy/download on to our comps.. I was only thinking of this the other day and thought I should start doing something to say my poetry at the very least – I would have a melt down if I lost it 😦


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Well, when they suspend you, they give you the ability to export your blog so that you can move it to another company should you choose to do so…I just don’t know how well it works. As for my poetry…I always have a hard copy before I put it on my blog…same goes for my short story type posts.


  3. wordsurfer says:

    Damn, girl, I was worried about you! I noticed your blog had disappeared but I didn’t know how to contact you and I was out all day yesterday, but I did think about you all the time and wondered what’d happened. What a relief to have you back! I need to get your twitter or something, just in case of emergencies…


  4. OrganisedClutter says:

    So glad that you are back! It’s really worrying that WordPress can do that to your blog, after all the hardwork you put into your blog. Thanks for the post though, would be useful to know for future reference 🙂 welcome back!!


    • Kitt Crescendo says:

      Nope…no number. Just this whole online form thing. As for what they did? No idea except the guy who emailed me to tell me my suspension had been lifted said that I’d hit their spam alert warning. I’m guessing it’s kind of like our spam filters… Who knows. Just glad I’m back, ya know?


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